
The thoughts expressed below are the author's and the author's alone but mind you only at the time they were written. There should be no assumptions made that the author feels or does what is written here all the time. Neither is it safe to assume that even one of the quirks is present in his usual behavior. This is a fair warning - The author is well versed in the art of pagan rituals (curses etc) and is not afraid to use it!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Major hit of despair and depression

Some of you who have known me for a very ling time now will know this part of me. When I spiral down in depression to the point that I am dangerously contagious to any one around and nothing seems to get me to feel better. My face has the same darn look of sadness on it and I can ruin anyone's mood that day. It's like my negative mojo is so strong that no one and when I say no one I mean no one can face up to it. Well that is how I feel just now.

Applications dates are drawing in and even though I have the base work done I keep getting the feeling that maybe some thing more could have been done. There is always that feeling. It never seems to leave. Maybe today I was tired and that made things worse. I have been a little ill lately. A little tired and having a little difficulty sleeping. Yesterday was the third night, thankfully not in succession, that I was not able to sleep all night. It was not that I was tossing and turning. Maybe I would have tossed and turned if I stayed in bed but I got up and paced all over the house. I was not sleep walking or anything - just thinking what all needs to be done, dreaming some of what all there will be to do a few years from now....crap like that. When I got ready to sleep again it was 4 AM. I still could not sleep. Got up all grumpy and was not able to get the things I wanted done today. So it is all going to happen tomorrow - If I can sleep well tonight. Damn...!!

Just read here that Insomnia and less hours of sleep might mean high blood pressure on the way. That can be true.

I don't think I have a major problem but just that I miss a few people, even though they are just a phone call away. Sometimes things get so tangled that it does not matter how close you are you still can't reach out to them. Actually that is completely off target from what I am talking here but since I am feeling down, all the other emotions that get me down are converging on me all together. I hope this one gets away from me soon.

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