
The thoughts expressed below are the author's and the author's alone but mind you only at the time they were written. There should be no assumptions made that the author feels or does what is written here all the time. Neither is it safe to assume that even one of the quirks is present in his usual behavior. This is a fair warning - The author is well versed in the art of pagan rituals (curses etc) and is not afraid to use it!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

At the cross roads again

Life has a funny way of coming at me. I was looking for the most comfortable way out and I got the the toughest way in. Life gave me an offer I cannot refuse. Or can I?
The gates are open. The same gates through which I once dreamed of passing through. The halls I wished I could roam. Now they beckon me and I stand paralyzed. Life has a funny way indeed.
I have always asked from life and been refused. I wanted the best and was given the second best. Mind you, it was always commensurate with the effort that I put in. And when the sheen had gone and I had given up hope, it would present itself. The question is how I receive it once it finally comes to me. These objects of my desire. They come to me, or should I say, life gives them to me only when I give up trying.
What is the lesson here? Or is this all merely chance? I don't think I am wise enough to know yet but I will trudge on. There is hope that all that which is refused to me now, will one day come calling and I shall stand judging whether it is still worth my time. Gives me a sense of power this. But I know from my experience, however insignificant, that this too is a test, one I must pass carefully and with humility. If all that I have asked and all that I will ask is to eventually bow down to me, then I better make sure I ask for the right things and keep my peace till they finally break under my persuasions. And in the end I remain with a notion that all this too perhaps mean nothing more than illusions.
But I have hope. Hope and my stubbornness.
I shall win this one too.

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