I like talking to girls. I need to talk to girls. Coz if I don't I completely lose it.
Might come as a surprise admission but it is the truth. I need to talk to girls. Now one might get the impression that I need to flirt with them or I need to get some "female tonic in" as some call it but that is far from the truth. I need to talk to girls like I need to talk to women like I need to talk to a female. It's all in the mind.
A woman is not a women just from the physical sense. She is woman in the mind too. We read so much about the effect of women in politics or in management or how women do well in some domains than men but we never stop to think that they don't do all that through their bodies - so how are they different? Their mind ofcourse!! So you see, that is what I need from time to time or I lose it.
My thinking is very male. I can imagine people liking that statement. We all try to think we are all male and we got the fighting instinct and there is nothing with some one who is too male. But you see I feel that there is something missing if your thinking is all male. Because then you are always thinking like a man does- you wanna fight all the time, you want to break things and change things and everything seems too simple to be giving you so much trouble and you can't figure out what the hell is wrong. All this time a woman probably is thinking of the other side - coexist instead of fight, mend and grow instead of break, develop things instead of change things and figure out what is wrong with the self before what is wrong with the other. I am not saying that women have it all down. No!! Hell no!! If we all thought like women we would get nothing done. We will keep brooding and try to make peace with stuff that is outright so wrong that it should be done away immediately. Thats why a balance is needed and my thinking is too male.
I can't live with a problem. I have trouble coexisting. I am not talking about a troublesome colleague or a bad. I am talking with issues in the mind. I can't turn my head away from something that is vexing me. I need to get it over with and only then can I get along with anything else. This comes in the way of living coz well we never find the solution of anything right away. You need to wait. Some things take time. I need to talk to women so that I can see some of what they are thinking. A little of what goes on in their head. I am not saying that there is a direct effect on the way I think or the way I feel but something somewhere gets a balance and well it clicks sometimes. Sometimes is good enough for me.
Thats why I need to talk to women from time to time else, hell, I lose it!!
Cheers man
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