
The thoughts expressed below are the author's and the author's alone but mind you only at the time they were written. There should be no assumptions made that the author feels or does what is written here all the time. Neither is it safe to assume that even one of the quirks is present in his usual behavior. This is a fair warning - The author is well versed in the art of pagan rituals (curses etc) and is not afraid to use it!!

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

If only I had mail...!!

Some times I wish I had some one I could write to like this. Have you seen this movie? I like the idea of talking to you as if you are just one reader and not like I am speaking to all my readers all together.

I like the thought that every single day there would be this thought that there could be mail from this someone. Every time I open my mail box I will be sitting up expecting that little message from that friend. Some one I can tell anything that I want. Some one who can trust me just as much. And the fact that we never meet or that we might never meet adds to the amount of trust that one can put into these messages. You can just be the person that you wish to be. After some time I think we all want to be who we really are. I don't think anyone wants to keep getting credit for things they did not do. The guilt sets in eventually. But you might be some one in reality yet hide that from the people around you, afraid that they will judge you if they knew. Here I could just be myself and the person on the other end would just accept me, not because it is the right thing to do or I am right in assuming some thing about myself but because I will do the same for the other person. After all - there are times when we want to be become some one but are stuck at some place . And when some one believes in you and that you might actually be that person, maybe you might have just a little more of a push to go ahead and be that person.

And of course the want for that elusive thing called 'love'. I don't even know anymore if it makes sense to keep looking for 'the' person. I mean should we not just look for some one who would just be decently close to what we want or maybe some one with whom you just feel good. Accept the fact that the person is not going to be perfect and that maybe there is a person some place in this world or perhaps in this universe whom you have not yet met and she is the perfect person for you, so what....you have not met that person have you. Chances are that you won't. Why not make it the best thing you have with this one person who perhaps not the perfect match for you but is still here with you, making a similar effort to be the best she can, for you. Soul mates are over-rated. Simple. Be with the person you are with and make it the best you can turn it into.

Of course in my case I can't even find some one who is willing to give it a shot with me. Damn...I suck!!!


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