
The thoughts expressed below are the author's and the author's alone but mind you only at the time they were written. There should be no assumptions made that the author feels or does what is written here all the time. Neither is it safe to assume that even one of the quirks is present in his usual behavior. This is a fair warning - The author is well versed in the art of pagan rituals (curses etc) and is not afraid to use it!!

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

At Crossroads

Picture Tom Hanks at the end of Castaway. Only this time the character is bald and funny looking, me. And the number of roads are quite a few more than the ones in that scene. The million dollar question - What now?

I was up on a tough road and I completed it. But the decisions were pretty simple. Stay with the life that you are leading or change it. I decided to change it and here I am. I have completed the road and now I am at the place where I can change my life.

But as usual life comes up with one more puzzle for me. Change life? Fine, but how??

And hence the may road ways in front of me and I looking dumbly at them.

When life is hard and bitter, we search for options in the most impossible places. But when life inundates us with options it is pretty much the same thing. Like right now.

What do to? What to do? To enter into a role which will give me more and more options to grow and make more money? Or to go into a world which I love to be in and perhaps scrape a little when it comes to making money?

High pressure - high rewards, or low pressure - peaceful life in the slow lane?

Think Big? or think big in the matters of the mind and life?

I wish the angel on my wrist would jump out and take me into her arms and put me on the right track. Even a rude kick in the right direction would do fine by me. She is a loving one my guardian angel, I won't mind an occasional hard push.

Hehehe.... I dream so much

May be I should do a Phd in dreams and reality.

later then


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