
The thoughts expressed below are the author's and the author's alone but mind you only at the time they were written. There should be no assumptions made that the author feels or does what is written here all the time. Neither is it safe to assume that even one of the quirks is present in his usual behavior. This is a fair warning - The author is well versed in the art of pagan rituals (curses etc) and is not afraid to use it!!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

The first day of the new year

And I am not doing anything....

Yup...!! I am a lazy fool who presently has nothing to do. So I am doing nothing. Better still I am planning to stop drinking as well. The damn thing doesn't do a thing for me. So here I am in the same room that I was yesterday, last year...doing nothing. 

But it is never too late to make resolutions. It is a ritual. You make a resolution and then how long you can hold on to it before you break it. Dad says that he is going to quit smoking. I think I can beat him with both hands tied and my neck in a brace. But I want him to quit!! Just know that he had made the same resolution last year as well.

Why don't I get nice snaps? All my pics are funny looking. I mean I look like a freak or a psycho. If I try to look serious it looks like I have lost my job or something (It is recession time and I am one of the few who have a job...so you know losing a job right now can make you look really sad). So I really need to figure out how to change things because I figured that if I look thaaaat bad in a photo then I prbably don't look like Adonis in real life either yeah? So my new year resolution is to do something about that. 

Wait Wait...!!
You don't get the entire picture. I don't intend to only look good. I know for sure that it is not going to work in that way. I have seen very good looking people look stupid once you begin to know them better coz they are empty shells. I intend to be a completly upgraded version of myself in this new year. Should be fun to try....see I get immediate rewards. 

Plus I have nothing else to worry about. I have a job and the grades don't matter any more. I do need to learn something about the job that I am going to do but still my mind will be relatively free. So I was thinking what all to do...?

There is the physique yeah? I have to lose some of the flab. Then there is the wardrobe. I am thinking ..if I iron my clothes more often and wash them from time to time....I should not have a problem in that area. The trouble is discipline. It seems a concept meant for astro physicists when it comes to me. I simply don't know how to have discipine in my life. I guess quite a few of those problem will go away if I can get around this one. 

Chalo no issues....What else is there?

You know what? I am shy.

Yes I know.....in case you know me, you must be thinking that last night's drink is still in the system. No, that is not true. I am shy. In a very strange manner. 
I am crazy fella really....But there are things that I am shy about. Like the way I feel for someone...or When I want to do something outrageous but I stop thinking that .....well it all comes to the mess that I am when I feel funny about some one. I just don't know what to say?...what to do? I am a complete mess. 
Must do something about that.....What? I don't know...Will have to figure that one out. 

And what else?
It has been suggested that sometimes I am a complete idiot. That sometimes I fail to pick the simplest and most obvious hints. 

I am not without blame here. Sometimes I delibrately shut my senses down. I like it that way....
You know....when I am with friends....I kinda like to not think that much about things. 
Well it seems that my friends don't share my enthusiasm in this respect. So from here on......

no no
I am not going to be a complete non-idiot. That is me and that will remain......
But I will try to be a better idiot than before ...as in I will try to keep my senses intact for a slightly longer time than usual. Give the guys a break so to speak.....
I think the trick will be to keep the antennae up and not care for the signals until some red flag comes up. Right now I think I shut the system and dump in some corner of my mind. I gotta let the system run and not be bothered by it till some alarms start ringing. That might just do the trick. See what a good guy I am....I do so much for my friends...!!!

Well I think those are mighty decent resolutions. How sooon I break them...only time will tell.
till the next time I come here to download my thoughts.....


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