Good people of the world, how you doing? I hope well…
Things are going well and it is time to take stock of the situation, do some analysis and move ahead with the lessons well learnt. Stint in Kolkata nearing towards the end. Just when I was getting used to the city. One of my friends said that is life. Well maybe…but I can’t complain. Life has been too good for me for the past few months. So I am stressing on the good stuff so that they keep coming.
I got my first paycheck and I haven’t spent an extra dime till now. I know that I have to pay back the Student Loan and the Loan that I took from my dad. Plus there is the 14k camera that dad has got for me. In ways I have bought it as I am going to pay for it. But I call it a necessity. By my calculation I have to pay my dad 32k in total. That leaves a measly sum left for me but what the hell…it is still enough for me to at least dream of what I am going to do with the future cash flows.
I don’t know what the deal with Zen is. I mean Zen masters and all that is something I don’t understand completely. I have to remember and look it up on the net. But I am guessing that a Zen place would be some place where you are at peace with yourself. Someplace where you feel all powerful…no, some place where you feel relaxed and free and say …you draw strength and inspiration from it. I need to make such a place in my house or wherever that I will put up in. The way I see it, it will have to consist of things that I will be able to rearrange easily and quickly because I might be moving a lot in my line of work. I have a vague idea of what I want. I will be thinking about it as I write this post.
Ok , here are the basic requirements of it:
- 1) Seating arrangement with provision for a snooze
- 2) Music to suit varied moods
- 3) Inspiration, endurance, hope, strength
- 4) Signs of the important things in life – memories
- 5) Entertainment
- 6) Relaxation
- 7) Food and drinks
- This should do the trick.
Lemme tell you some of what I plan to have.
Seating arrangement
In the beginning there is no way I can buy an armchair like the one Joey and Chandler had in Friends. And since I will be constantly moving from place to place, Hotel room to guesthouse, I better be content with say a nice comfy pillow or cushion that I can prop against whatever chair that I get. I later times I might get myself once of those massaging ones. What I plan to get later in life is a nice big comfy seatee where two people can sit in whichever way they want and do their thing. But that will have to wait.
I need different playlists. For the mornings to brush away the sleep from my eyes. For the evenings to release the tension that has been building up all day. For the times when I want to celebrate and the times when I am down in the dumps. The peppy ones when I have good company and the smoky romantic ones when I have the Right kinda company. Jazz works for me when I want to relax. I like the saxophone ones.
Inspiration and the works
Symbols, text, quotes, pictures, posters and the sort that can send subliminal messages to my head. Things that I will recognize and I can put deliberately in the right places so that I can program to some extent the thoughts that come unbidden to my mind. Like when I am low I will be looking down…maybe a little something right in front of the seating but a little closer to the floor…that makes me hold on to hope a little longer. Some thing nearer to the ceiling which tells me not to fly off control just because things are working so well and sit back some and take stock of the situation. I have always loved movies. I am thinking some of these things will be memorabilia or pictures or symbols of these movies. The ones that I like for something in particular. Like the “Revolver” or “The Untouchables”. Something in text like say – “Sit still and revenge will visit thine enemy”.
Signs of important things in life
Pictures of family and friends. Some memorabilia of important events in life. Things that remind me of what is really important and what gives importance to the other things in life. So that I don’t put the horse before the cart, so to say.
Playstation and a Big screen TV. That is a must. In later times…one that is separate from the family’s regular living room TV. So that I can play and watch movies in peace while the wife wants to see her daily sitcoms. I know the trouble dad has when there is a game and mom want to watch what happened to the poor orphan girl married to the rich cruel family and her indifferent husband.
Are those feet massagers I see in the Malls any good? If they are I might buy one. Plus the seatee might have some shoulder massager thingy in it. All in good time.
Food and drinks
My favorite food stuffs, carefully regulated by the wife so that I don’t die of heart disease, a bottle or two of my favourite drinks, I don’t like beer so I will need something to go with the drinks that are there. Healthy stuff too like some juice or what not. And maybe some popcorn. I am not a great fan of it but I think it will be healthier than most other snacks.
That’s about it right now.
I always tell myself that it is not bad to dream. So maybe some of the things are a little far away in the future but I will be making that future right now, right? I better know what I am fighting for. Hell…for starters I might put the above in a picture and hang that in front of the whatever chair I get in whichever dhingy hotel that they get me. Everything has to start someplace, right?
Till later then