
The thoughts expressed below are the author's and the author's alone but mind you only at the time they were written. There should be no assumptions made that the author feels or does what is written here all the time. Neither is it safe to assume that even one of the quirks is present in his usual behavior. This is a fair warning - The author is well versed in the art of pagan rituals (curses etc) and is not afraid to use it!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

It was still the same

It was different,
I had a drink,
The gathering was mellow,
I was alone, waiting for her,
That was the still the same.

It was surprising,
How unaffected I was of her,
How the years have made me immune,
Yet her grace blew me away,
The ease which she carried herself,
That was still the same.

It was questioning,
The way she looked at me,
With new light for the man I had become,
I looked back with uneasy calm,
At loss for words to her quiet play,
That was still the same.

It was strange,
Hesitation on her part,
Her looking away to hide the blush,
I walked by her, doing nothing,
Unable to respond to anything at all,
That was still the same.

It was new,
No pain at the goodbyes,
No pining for her, no desperate plans,
I think of her still,
In my loneliest hours,
That is still the same.

- pinaki roy

It is a work in progress, and I am drunk.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What you need to just keep winning?

This is more of a question than a sermon really. I don't know myself what one needs to just keep winning. But I have some ideas and I am going to try and convince myself than some one who is reading this right now.

To begin with- you need to love what you are doing. Just love it. Enjoy what it does to you and the people that it affects. Keep telling yourself that you are getting closer to those people. That you may not be affecting them right now but through your efforts you are affecting them in the future. Visualize that affect and then go on and love it some more.

More importantly or perhaps just as importantly- love yourself. You gotta love yourself. You gotta sustain your self. There can be no giving if you are empty yourself. Give to yourself first. Tell yourself how proud you are of yourself when you see yourself toiilinh away at something. Love yourself when you take a brave step - when you bear the pain and the pressure which you know you could do without perhaps. Love yourself for all that you have accomplished and all that you hope and aspire to in the future.

Do this and go on.

You might not win medals and popularity if you just do this. You might not get money and fame if you do this. But you will be infinitely happy with yourself all the time.

If that is not winning, what is?
